Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Have you ever notice how we always want to be older. At ten you say, "if only I was fifteen." At fifteen you cant wait to be sixteen. Once you hit sixteen and you are on top of the world cause you finally have the big DL, you all of a sudden realize eighteen would be just so much better. Then at eighteen you realize you are off to college in a few months. On your own! Nobody to make your food, tell you to clean your room, come home too, ect etc. Then in college you cant wait to get out and start making the cash money. But when you get out there you want to retire because your sick of work. Then at sixty you finally, finally want to be young! As I think about this I wonder why in the world do I want to grow up so fast? Didnt God say live life day by day. Cause every breath we take is a blessing from the Lord. We have no idea when our life will be taken from us. Now dont get me wrong, God wants us to prepare ourselves for the future, and use every gift his has given to us fully. But every night, I love falling asleep thanking the Lord for another day. If you really think that you have nothing to be thankful for just remember this.....The Lord gives life and takes it away. Be thankful because God is giving you another breath to live, another heartbeat this very second. We always, always have something to be thankful for!! Thank you God! Thanks a lot for reading yall!! Later


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