Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What does it mean to Trust the Lord? Through the past few years, i have become more and more aware of what this really means. I have finally coming to the point of moving from the rumor filled, you aren't cool unless you party highschool scene to breaking out on your own, moving away from you parents and best friends, and really relying on yourself and the strength that the Lord gives me college scene. During the past couple years, tons of questions have been brought to my mind. Important ones that will make and break your future. The challenging questions that you either take, live for the Lord, and trust in Him completely. Or else you will fall away from what you have been taught the past 18 years of your life growing up in a Christian home. What I have found is many people choose the second path in there walk. Choosing to trust in there own weak self, there own so called intelligence, and partying life up but all along being miserable and feeling that something or someone is missing. Making money the number one thing in their life and striving to make more and more but all along never being satisfied. Im not saying money is a bad thing. But for me it is the hardest thing not to make replace my God. Its so easy to make it the top of the priority list. You know what Im saying?

Over the past few days the Lord has been really trying to show me that I need to trust him completely in everything I am going through. Tuition!! Next fall Im going to be attending Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va, The full college cost is 22k a year but for me it will be around 17. During the past year, the Lord has really shown and gave me the desire to go there. I am almost positive that is where He is Leading me. Now not having as much money in the bank as I want and the need to take out student loans has been a real burden on my thinking. I keep getting brought back to what the Lord says in Prov 3:5, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thy own understanding I all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path. I need to acknowledge him! I have my Lord who will provide me with everything I need when Im in his will. Liberty is His will. He will provide!! We just need to remember that in all of lifes difficulties, we have a Lord that is way bigger and that can do anything!! Thanks for reading ;-) Later!!!


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