Prayer Request..... Well I found out some bad news about my grandpa (Gerry Schultz) today. He found out he had cancer in his lungs about 18 months ago and has been doing great since then with chemotherapy. But at his last checkup the doctor found another spot in his spine. It took them a couple months to figure out if it was cancerous or not but last week the results were not good. The bad news about this, the doctor said, was that the last person he knew that had this before my grandpa had about 6 months if the radiation fails. Just please be in prayer for him. Pray that if it’s the Lords will then let Him heal my grandpa of this. Along with praying for him spiritually because I'm unsure of his salvation. If you could pray also for my grandma (Nancy) and dad (Dave) to that would be awesome. I know this may be a hard summer for both of them. Thank you sooo much! God Bless!
In Christ,
Zack Schultz
Proverbs 3:5,6