Sunday, February 25, 2007

Live a Life of Purity! Growing up, I have found that my thought life is one of the utmost achievements or most terrible downfalls in my walk with Christ. When I was right in my thought life, and even physical life; I established that I was closest to my Heavenly Daddy. But when I was falling into the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh; my relationship with Christ was on the crumple. It is totally true that when someone is trapped in sexual sin; their intimate relationship with Christ falls away. This is because God does not tolerate it. When you let this sin rule your life, you are hurting the name of our Savior. It is putting yourself or someone on this earth before our God. “It is putting the created before our creator,” (Bill Shannon) which goes against the second commandment alone. The Bible tells us that this private sin will find you out. Many people caught up in it feel nobody will ever find out. Nobody will ever be able to tell what I’m doing. But they forget that when our relationship with Christ is becoming less and less apparent, people will notice it. Our Christian brothers and sisters will see us struggling; eventually causing our secret sin to become public. God calls us to purity.
Secondly, falling into sexual sin is sinning against our own bodies. “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.” (1 Corinthians 6:18) God commands sexual purity right in His word. This is the one sin that shows love of our selves over our love for our Savior. When we sin against God in this way, we forget about our thankfulness for our salvation, and we forget about the graciousness of the Lord. You see, when we accepted Christ as Savior, we allow the Holy Spirit to enter into our life. God lives in everyone who puts their trust in Him. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you received from God? You are not your own; you are bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19,20) So when we sin against our own body, we are hurting God who is living in us. We hurt the one who loves us more then we can even comprehend. You hurt the one who died for us. God doesn’t want this and will fall away the longer we engage in it. God calls us to purity.
Thirdly, our sexual outlook now, will determine our future intimate life in the degree of marriage. When someone puts asides God’s commands and engages in a sexual thought life or sex outside of marriage, he is hurting his potential with his future spouse. This is because when you have multiple partners early in life, once you get to marriage, you will have a problem not comparing your wife to your mistakes prior in life. This I believe is one of the biggest problems of the 50% divorce rate in our churches today. I may not be married yet, but I do know that a couple’s intimate life in marriage is a crucial component. So I can’t imagine how frustrating it must be as a man to have to compare your pure, amazing, Christian wife to a immoral act you were part of in the past. This is a great example on why God commands us to wait until marriage. God created intimacy for us. But he commands us to keep it in the confines of marriage. I can’t wait for the day when I get to say to my wife, “I waited for you.” God calls us to purity!


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